Miltinch Edgar Miltinch E. Miltinch making visions reality en Welcome About this site Edgars Miltins Computer OS Server software addin IBM Lotus Domino printPDF ftp-server eFTP myChart
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 Edgar Miltinch en Welcome About this site 27.07.2024 05:41:19 ZE2 


My profile






About this site

Just a few words about this site:
  • Machine
    Intel™ Core 2 Quad 2.83GHz, RAM: 4 Gb, 500 Gb HDD
  • Operating System
    Linux™ SuSE 11.1, running in "headless mode"
  • Network security
    behind two firewalls
    Self signed HTTP SSL certificate is used.
You can install it under "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" or import in Firefox.
  • Server Software
    IBM Lotus Domino Server™ 8.5.2
    MySQL Server 5.0.67-log
  • My running add in's:
    1. ftp-server
    2. printPDF™ servlet
    3. verbum - "Superlative Authentic Info System" servlet
  • Started 01.12.2006
  • Upgrade 27.08.2008

All animated charts with imagemaps are made with myChart™ application.
The Barcodes are made with LotusScript library barcode.

myChart_icon eFTP_Powered Java powered Linux powered Powered by Domino

Document Digital ID: 1347863426064770163832572339890008080439
Created: 16.12.2006 00:26:44 ZE2
Modified: 29.03.2015 14:56:47 CEDT
Printed: 27.07.2024 05:41:19 ZE2$Key/thissite
© 2006 - 2024 by Edgar MILTINCH
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© 2006 - 2024 by Edgar MILTINCH Created: 16.12.2006 00:26:44 ZE2  Modified: 29.03.2015 14:56:47 CEDT  Author: Edgar Miltinch