eFTP Client eFTP Domino Server Addin Edgar Miltinch Edgars Miltiņš Эдгар Милтиньш eFTP en Installation eFTP USB stick Installation USB Memorystick Memory stick installation JVM JRE preinstalled green Usage
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 eFTP en Installation eFTP USB stick Installation 15.02.2025 18:33:08 ZE2 






Under Hood




eFTP USB stick Installation

  1. Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version from 1.4 on your computer.
  2. Create "jre" directory on your USB stick
  3. Copy directories "bin" and "lib" from your JRE installation to the just created directory on memorystick
    That will enable you to start the Application on Windows systems without JRE preinstalled. But you can still start the ftp-client.jar file under other operation systems with JRE preinstalled. And you can repeat this operation for other operation systems - simply choose another directory on memorystick. Make sure that your operation system supports the file system on USB stick.
  4. Copy ftp-client.jar or ftp-client.exe to directory of your choice *
  5. Use following command line (you may create a batch file under memorystick root) to start the Application:
    /jre/bin/java -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel -Xms64m -jar /[directory of your choice]/ftp-client.jar
    1. The first parameter order Java Virtual Machine to use WindowsLookAndFeel, you may omit this parameter
    2. The second parameter allocates 64 Mb of the memory for Application. (in case your machine is not equipt with a large RAM you may omit this parameter.)

usb stick logo

Document Digital ID: 1601096185353007419832572339110003222655
Created: 28.09.2006 11:57:06 ZE2
Modified: 18.10.2007 00:47:43 ZE2
Printed: 15.02.2025 18:33:08 ZE2
© 2006 - 2025 by Edgar MILTINCH
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© 2006 - 2025 by Edgar MILTINCH Created: 28.09.2006 11:57:06 ZE2  Modified: 18.10.2007 00:47:43 ZE2  Author: Edgar Miltinch