eFTP Client eFTP Domino Server Addin Edgar Miltinch Edgars Miltiņš Эдгар Милтиньш eFTP en Screenshots eFTP Configuration Screen Configuration Screen Usage
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 eFTP en Screenshots eFTP Configuration Screen 12.03.2025 13:16:13 ZE2 






Under Hood




eFTP Configuration Screen


  1. File Menu
    1. Connect
    2. Disconnect
    3. Clear Log and Console
    4. Copy Console to Clipboard
    5. Show Configuration
    6. Show File View
    7. Exit
  2. Command Menu
    1. Update View
    2. Copy
    3. Delete
    4. Change Directory
    5. Rename
    6. Make Directory
    7. MD5 Digest
    8. Replicate
    9. Replicate with Options
    10. Stub
    11. Touch
  3. Certificate Menu
    1. Request SSL Certificate
    2. Request SSL Certificate per mail
    3. Manage Keystore
  4. Config Menu
    1. Save Configuration
    2. Delete Configuration
    3. Encrypt Configuration
    4. Import Configuration
    5. Export Configuration
    6. Refresh Configuration
    7. ... List of saved configurations...
  5. Help Menu
    1. About
    2. Check for update
    3. Memory
    4. Help
  6. Configuration
  7. Initial local folder
  8. Host Address
  9. Port number
  10. Initial remote folder
  11. Username
  12. Password
  13. Connection
  14. Protocol
  15. Transfer mode
  16. Transfer type
  17. Charcoding
  18. List command
  19. RZREP filetime resolution
  20. Checksum
  21. Keep alive
  22. Use textures, icons
  23. Certificates
  24. Resume broken downloads, uploads
  25. Remote Preselection
  26. FTP Console Log Window
  27. Application Status Log
  28. Connected Host Name
  29. Remote Host Address Type
    This is TCP/IP address class.
  30. Connection Type
  31. Application Status Icon

Every not grayed out field and parameter can be changed without to disconnect from host.

Document Digital ID: 4042263408267468918232572339340004912497
Created: 21.10.2006 16:38:44 ZE2
Modified: 17.08.2007 12:39:52 ZE2
Printed: 12.03.2025 13:16:13 ZE2
© 2006 - 2025 by Edgar MILTINCH
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© 2006 - 2025 by Edgar MILTINCH Created: 21.10.2006 16:38:44 ZE2  Modified: 17.08.2007 12:39:52 ZE2  Author: Edgar Miltinch